Second Chances Read online

Page 6

  Ram smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. He felt more at home here with Flossie and David than he did in any of his other houses. Some of his anger subsided leaving a space for all the good feelings that being home brought.

  “I’ll be in the study. I’ve got some business I have to take care of.” Ram said.

  His hands fisted. When he realized Flossie was reading his every movement Ram unclenched his fists and eased the scowl he felt twisting his face. He hadn’t been this angry since the night his drummer collapsed back-stage after Purple Orchid’s last show. It was the same night someone let Becca and her playmate into his suite.

  Floss’s gentle hand on his arm brought him back to reality. “You’ll find what you’re looking for Ramsey Macleod. But you’ll have a merry chase before you do.” Her black eyes sparkled up at him. She laughed, then headed toward the kitchen.

  Ram always paid attention when Flossie used his first and last name in a sentence. That meant she was making a prediction. Ramsey didn’t believe in precognition when he was in the States. But, here in Ponty, magic was part of every day life. And when Flossie made a prediction, it came true. Ram only wished he could make sense of whatever the hell it was Flossie was predicting.

  Shaking his head Ram headed toward the study. He would ponder Flossie’s prediction later. Now it was time to find one stubborn little golden-haired tyrant.


  The caretaker didn’t even blink when Rhia explained that she didn’t have any luggage. The sweet woman just ushered Rhia into the kitchen where a short burly man shoved a plate filled with meat, gravy and potatoes in front of her without a word.

  “Eat dear.” Was all the woman said before she patted Rhia on the back and left.

  Rhia ate. Everything. The meat was delicious and the potatoes didn’t come from a box. She didn’t realize how hungry and tired she was until she pushed her empty plate away stifling a yawn.

  The little woman came back the second Rhia was done carrying a pair of jeans and a light cotton sweater. Rhia couldn’t guess how old she was. Somewhere between seventy and ninety-nine maybe. But the woman’s eyes sparkled with the mischief of the terminally young.

  “Here dear.” She said handing the clothes to Rhia. “These belong to my granddaughter. Let’s get you a bath, shall we? A bath and clean clothes will have you feeling just the thing again, hum? You should have a little rest too. Yesterday took its toll on you.”

  Rhia flushed. Apparently she had a big red ‘S’, for scarlet woman, stamped on her head. With a surprisingly strong grip, the caretaker helped Rhia out of her chair. Rhia could have sworn she heard the lady say, “I should shoot that boy.” But then the woman smiled up at Rhia, her almost black eyes sparkling at some private joke, Rhia couldn’t help smiling back.

  “You’ll have to wear those horrid boots until we can find some shoes. Molly’s feet are much bigger than yours, I’m afraid. Molly is my granddaughter. You met at the pub?

  How this little old lady knew that, Rhia couldn’t fathom. Then she was answering Rhia’s next question before Rhia had a chance to ask it.

  “Call me Flossie, dear. I am the housekeeper here at Pentla House. David is my husband. He’s in charge of cooking and general maintenance when the owner is away.”

  All the ‘dears’ were making Rhia’s head spin, but it was the thought of actually meeting her landlord looking like she did that was making her sick.

  “Is the owner here now?” Rhia asked, trying to swallow the bile that in the back of her throat.

  “Not yet dear-heart, but he’ll be along soon. Plenty of time for you to clean up. Now off with you, the day’s a fleetin’.” Flossie showed Rhia to her room and left quietly, seeming to sense Rhia’s need to be alone.

  Pentla house was enormous by Welsh standards, by Milwaukee standards too, and she’d barely seen a third of it. Rhia set her borrowed clothes on the desk and went over to the bed where she shrugged out of her PVC boots.

  Her room was actually a suite of rooms, including a bathroom, sitting area with a couch and bookshelves running the length of one wall and a kitchenette. She had her own full size refrigerator, microwave and a sink. There was no stove, but then she didn’t plan on doing any cooking.

  When she rented Pentla house, meals were included. So was laundry service. Not having to cook or clean was the main reason she’d rented this house, but there was another reason as well.

  Once Rhia downloaded the photos the realtor e-mailed she was hooked. Something about Pentla house called out to her, telling Rhia that this was the spot for her to begin on a new path. It was even more magical in person than in the photos. She felt at home here and it wasn’t just the warm reception and the wonderful food Floss offered, there was something about this place that soothed Rhia’s soul.

  She must have been more tired than she realized. She wasn’t usually so fanciful but then she’d never uprooted herself to start a new project like this one before either. Alone. Rhia pushed that unwanted thought away and concentrated on acclimating to her home for the summer.

  Her bedroom was painted a bright soothing yellow and had an enormous bay window facing the stream and the mountains. The view was spectacular. As soon as she cleaned up and rested Rhia was going to explore the grounds.

  Warm air from the open, screenless, window carried the scent of fresh flowers and newly cut grass. Yellow, pink and red roses filled an old-fashioned water pitcher on the night stand next to the bed, and watercolor seascapes dotted the walls adding color and texture to the room. This place was idyllic.

  If only she could get one blond, green eyed, stud off her mind and out of her heart everything would be perfect.

  Trudging her way to the tiled bathroom Rhia dropped her clothes into the hamper and made her way to the shower. It was time to wash that man right out of her hair.

  She hoped he’d leave her heart as easily.


  “Give me what you’ve got Ben.”

  Ram had been on the phone most of the afternoon trying to track Rhia down when his head of security finally called back.

  Stark had been able to locate Rhia’s address in Milwaukee and from there it wasn’t hard to do a record check. Ram had been right. Milwaukee didn’t have too many Rhiannon Thorsons.

  Ram had his back to the door when Flossie walked in and handed him a cup of tea. He would have preferred coffee, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Ram nodded his gratitude and went back to his conversation.

  “She’s a teacher? Where?” He asked, when the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Ram turned around slowly. And was pole-axed. He’d been axed before and this time was no different. All the air left his lungs in a whoosh and he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Ram had all he could do to stand without falling down.

  There she was, just like that, barefoot, in jeans and a summer sweater that were too big for her and oddly familiar.

  It wasn’t the clothes Ram knew he’d seen Molly wear that held his attention. No, it was the look of abject horror on Rhia’s freshly scrubbed pixie face framed by clean and totally untamed golden curls that held his interest.

  Ram’s eyes narrowed as he heard Stark’s voice above the roaring in his ears. “She’s not just a teacher Ram. She’s a professor. She teaches history at a private college in Milwaukee.”

  Ram dropped the phone. “You’re the professor?” He asked not really needing a reply. Rhia started backing away from him, her blue eyes mirroring her fear and some emotion Ram couldn’t name. Ram couldn’t really blame her for looking for an escape route. Wait a minute, yes he could. She’d done that once today he didn’t need the instant re-play.

  She was searching for a way out, and trying to keep an eye on him at the same time. Ram smiled, knowing it did nothing to soften his expression. He didn’t care.

  He went after her. The menace he was feeling seeped into his voice. “Oh no you don’t. Not this time, Rhia.”

  For a big man he moved with speed and agi
lity. He was on her before she had a chance to turn and run. Ram didn’t slow down as his shoulder hit her middle. He threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry none too gently and was perversely pleased by the audible expulsion of air from her lungs.

  “You and I have some things to discuss.” He spanked her as he bounced toward his room. “Where are your boots, woman?”

  Neither one of them saw the smile in Flossie’s black eyes, nor did they hear her whisper to the heavens in Welsh. “It’s about time that boy settled down. Help The Macleod, Goddess, his heart has been empty far too long.”

  Thunder rumbled and soft warm rain fell through the sunshine. Flossie knew her prayer had been heard.


  Ram set Rhia down unceremoniously next to his bed. He’d kicked the door shut so loudly he knew no one would dare disturb them. Not that Flossie wouldn’t stick her interfering grandma’s nose into this if she thought Ram would actually hurt Rhia, she would. Ram didn’t plan on hurting her, but a good spanking wasn’t out of the question.

  Rhia didn’t look as horrified as she had in the study, but she did look wary. Well she should be, damn it to hell and back. Anger at her disappearing act was still riding Ram, although it was tempered now that she was here.

  He stood inches from her, close enough to touch or kiss. He did neither. “Okay Professor. Spill it. Why did you run?”

  He was angry, that much was quite clear. Well so was she, although she couldn’t think of one good reason why. “Stop scowling at me.” Rhia pushed at his chest. Ram didn’t move.

  “And don’t ever do that again. I’m not some sack of potatoes you can just toss over your shoulder any time you feel like it.” She tried to match his scowl but she wasn’t as intimidating.

  “Answer the question Rhia. Why did you run?”

  He hadn’t moved when she shoved him and he wasn’t letting her move around his question. Why did she run? Because she was afraid of what he made her feel and she was so afraid he was going to take it away that she ran before he had the chance.

  Straightening her shoulders, Rhia looked into his piercing green eyes now devoid of warmth and told him the truth.

  “Because I felt more alive with you in one day than I’ve felt in two decades. Because, when we made love you touched my soul. Because, I didn’t want my last memory of you to be you walking out the door.” She poked him in the chest, matching his scowl. “Pick one, they all apply.”

  A torrent of emotions rushed through Ram, none of which he could sort out much less express. “Damn you.” He said scooping her up in his arms and placing her gently on his bed. He followed her down and unzipped her borrowed jeans.

  He cupped her mound, running his fingers through her soft thatch as he rained kisses over her cheeks, lips, eyes, all the while uttering, “Damn you...damn you...damn you...”

  Rhia pulled his lips to hers. “I feel exactly the same way.”

  Ram had them undressed in seconds. Then he took his time exploring her face, her neck, her breasts. He was in too much of a hurry last night to linger over the areas he most wanted to explore.

  Ram laved her nipples, gently sucking until he heard her whispered “harder” in his ear. He was lost. He gave up trying to be gentle and let himself feel her the way he wanted to, without restraint or boundaries, silently promising himself that some time soon he’d taste all of her slowly. Unfortunately he wasn’t in control enough to savor, right now he needed to swallow her whole. Her hands and teeth told him she needed completion as badly as he did.

  He eased one finger into her sweet channel, then two. She pulled him in deeper and with a groan of approval he caressed her taut clit with his thumb until she came around his fingers. Ram captured her lips with his and absorbed her cries.

  “That’s it baby, come for me”, he rasped against her neck as she quieted. Rhia tried to push his hand away, but he made her ride it out until she was screaming again. This time he didn’t try to stop her, he just enjoyed the sounds he was able to pull from her soul.

  Rhia reached for him, running one hand up and down his shaft while the other massaged his balls. Then she brought him to her slit, already wet from her orgasm and rubbed the head up and down until it was slick with her essence.

  She eased the head inside and this time her body welcomed him with little resistance. He was fully sheathed in her warmth with one deep stroke. She felt so damn good he wanted to explode, but he didn’t. Ram didn’t move until his breathing calmed and he was relatively certain he could last more than a few strokes.

  He made love to her slowly, licking her ear, nibbling her neck, plucking her nipples, until she grabbed his ass and set the rhythm her body needed. When she bit his nipple and pulled him in deeper he shot his liquid warmth into her womb.

  They made love twice more before falling asleep, never once thinking about the missing box of condoms Ram had kicked across the hotel floor.


  The woman was old, freckled and over-weight. The only thing she had going for her were her boots.

  Eyeing the photographs her private investigator overnighted, Becca wondered what in the hell Ramsey was thinking dating someone’s grandmother? The creature had frizzy dark blond hair for crissakes.

  So this is what her rejection had brought Ramsey to, dating a nobody who, at her age, had no business dancing on tables. Something had to be done about this. Becca wished she’d never laughed at Ramsey’s marriage proposal.

  She didn’t really want to be married. The whole kids and a country farm that Ramsey talked about gave her chills. When it came right down to it, she and Ramsey didn’t have much in common. Becca loved the music, parties and the publicity that came with dating Ram, she just didn’t like being with him when they weren’t on stage.

  Flipping through the glossy photos Becca found a particularly sensual one of the woman and Ram dancing. Ram had never looked at Becca with that gleam in his eye, and he’d asked her to marry him. True he’d had more rum than he usually had that night, but he’d asked.

  And now Ram was wearing that besotted look less than two weeks after that monster of his, Stark, pulled her so rudely from Ram’s tub. Stark had gotten a good look at all her assets before throwing a towel at her and demanding that she cover herself. Stark had been gentle, courteous even, with the blond Becca had hired to help her seduce Ram. He’d been cold and disapproving with her. Oh how she hated that man. Becca was more angry with Stark than she was with Ramsey.

  Pushing the fact that she didn’t really want Ramsey Macleod away, Becca picked up the phone and dialed her contact at the raunchiest tabloid in town.

  Within forty-eight hours Ramsey’s mystery woman would be plastered all over the check-out lanes. She’d leave Ram soon after that. After all, no one could stand up to that kind of pressure.

  Becca smiled at the thought.


  Ben Stark was tipped off two hours before pictures of Ram and Rhia clubbing hit the street. He was pissed as hell that he hadn’t seen it coming, but then everyone with a cell phone had a camera these days. Why did he think it would be any different in Wales? That was one mistake he wouldn’t make again.

  He’d made sure Ramsey had covered his tracks. No one knew where Ram was besides the two-man team Ben traveled with. Not even Ram’s aunt knew for certain he was in Wales.

  So how had someone gotten photos of Ram and Rhiannon Thorson at the club? He was damn sure going to find out.

  “Give me a name Max.” Stark said into the phone. With the time change it was already afternoon for Ben, it was early morning for his informant.

  “Max, I guarantee you will never interview Ramsey or any member of Purple Orchid again if I don’t have a name in the next thirty seconds.” Ben held the phone away from the stream of excuses pouring out of the reporter’s mouth.

  “If I hang up Max, which I will do in twelve, no ten seconds, my next call will be to Bono. Then to Sting. So what’s it going to be?”
r />   Stark got the name of the person who leaked the photos and his blood turned to lava in his veins.

  “That bitch.” He slammed the phone with menace and something that cut even deeper riding him.


  “So Rhia, what’s next?” Ram asked lifting Rhia’s hand to his lips.

  A week had passed since he’d tossed Rhia over his shoulder and carried her to his room. If he’d had his way they’d still be there going at it like rabbits. Unfortunately, Rhiannon had other reasons for coming to Wales, and exploring her hidden sensuality was only one of them.

  The woman was a scholar too.

  “How many of these warrior women are you looking for?” Ram asked. Rhia had interviewed dozens of local folks looking for women who would have made history had someone other than male monks written the majority of it. She said the Celts revered what she called the ancient feminine, the goddesses, and saw their women for their strengths. Ram saw her point.

  All the women Ram held in his heart were strong. Some more obstinate than others, but they all shared the same qualities. They loved fiercely, they were loyal, soft when they could be, and down right ruthless when there was no other option.

  Flossie, his aunt Lynda, his mother, and Rhia were all strong women that Ram carried in his heart and thought of every day. Their individual strengths made their lives vibrant and made their life partners better people.

  Ram didn’t dwell on the fact that he’d added Rhia to the short list of women who owned a piece of his heart. He was beginning to realize that his goal had been to keep her since he approached her at The Miner’s Arms. In his more honest moments, Ram knew he planned on keeping her the moment he saw what she liked to read. Rhiannon’s voice brought him back to reality. He realized she’d been talking for some time and he’d missed most of what she said.