Second Chances Page 5
Music was the way he communicated with God and the world. It was more than his muse, it was a part of his soul and he felt it every day like other people feel their hearts’ beat. It was always with him, bringing him peace, pushing him to make a difference where he could. Music moved Ram. It moved her too. He could see it in the way she became one with it as she moved.
Rhia moved toward him and Ram knew she’d come to some conclusion about him, about this madness that moved them both. The time for resistance was over.
“Put your legs around me.” Ram ordered. “Ah...there. That’s it. Okay, now just re...” He didn’t finish before she was kissing him again. He didn’t resist this time. Her legs found his waist and her sweet warmth found his hardness. Ram heard himself growl into her from far away. He didn’t want to scare her. When she pushed against his throbbing cock and pulled him deeper into her open mouth Ram knew she wasn’t afraid of what was happening between them.
Was he? Damn straight. But that didn’t stop him. Hell it didn’t even slow him down.
Ram lifted Rhia out of the tub and had her across the room and under the covers without ever breaking her kiss. He settled himself on top of her, keeping most of his weight on his elbows as she continued her exploration of his face and neck.
The woman sure liked to kiss. That was fine with Ram he liked long kisses too. She bit his earlobe, licked behind his ear and along his carotid artery where his life’s blood pulsed in time to his throbbing cock. Then she started all over again with his mouth.
He could feel all of her now, from her small firm breasts to her soft stomach and thighs that wrapped strongly around him all on their own this time.
“Rhiannon, honey.” He managed before she captured his mouth again. He luxuriated in her mouth a moment before a deeper need claimed him. “Do you have any of those condoms in your purse.” He had some in his pants, but the bathroom was just too far away.
“I brought the box.” She said flushing. “Just in case.”
He’d never met a woman who was so determined to get what she wanted and still had the ability to blush while getting it.
He pushed himself off the bed and was tossing items out of her purse until her found them. Jumbo pack, he grinned. The lady didn’t plan for failure.
Rhia was sitting up in bed, the covers around her middle as he approached. She’d forgotten her earlier shyness. She was lovely. Her breasts were small, but perfectly formed with large brownish-pink nipples he couldn’t wait to suckle. The curve of her shoulders and the breadth of her torso indicated she exercised regularly. The definition in her arms said some of the exercise was weight bearing. She was strong, healthy looking and utterly lovely. Ram especially liked the smattering of freckles on her shoulders and chest. She stopped him in his tracks.
He was also giving her a full frontal that apparently held her attention. She had a strange look on her pixie face, like she wanted to talk. Not a good sign. Unfortunately she was talking to his cock. Her eyes were riveted to that bouncing part of him.
“Just say it.”
“Have you ever had a woman put a condom on you with her mouth?”
Ram felt his smaller head bob uncontrollably. Apparently, if it had a mouth it would have answered. Unfortunately for Ram his cock couldn’t answer so he had to filter Rhia’s question through his brain. Damn the woman had a way of making the simplest things complicated. Next time he was just going to gag her. But then he’d have to give up kissing her and Ram couldn’t see himself doing that.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Suddenly the light dawned. “That’s in that damn book you’re reading isn’t it?”
Rhia nodded. “They suggested trying it on a banana first. I haven’t gotten that far yet, but I’m willing to try. If you want.”
Ram would have sworn it wasn’t possible for anyone to turn that particular shade of pink, but Rhia managed it. Her gaze hadn’t wavered once. She was brave, he’d give her that. He just wished she’d look at his face.
An image of her mouthing a banana, trying to fit a condom over it flashed through his head. It had his cock throbbing until, in his mind’s eye, the banana broke.
He didn’t want to crush her enthusiasm or her desire to experiment, but there was no way in hell he was letting her sharp little teeth practice on him.
“Why don’t we try it the old fashioned way this time. We can save the advanced stuff for later.” Ram suggested.
“Okay.” Rhia said lifting her earnest gaze to his face. “Are you going to come back to bed now?”
Ram realized he hadn’t moved. He was standing there naked holding a jumbo box of condoms. Normally the absurdity of the situation would have struck him as funny, but her banana image had stopped him cold.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what other sexual games she’d come up with for them to try, but he knew for damn sure he didn’t want to be experimenting with anyone else.
Maybe he’d just stock up on bananas.
Ram climbed back into bed with the box of condoms. He tore off one foil package and handed it to her while he stuffed the rest of the sleeve under his pillow just in case he actually made it through making love to her the first time. He’d always been an optimist.
Rhia opened the package with her teeth and his cock was throbbing again. He knew he was going to regret the time it was taking for her to put it on, but he wanted her hands on him.
She fumbled with the damn thing, but it was worth it when her hands found him. She just couldn’t seem to fit it over the head. Ram’s hands slid over hers and he managed to get it on with little effort.
“Haven’t you done this before?”
Her expressive eyes bored into his. “I was on the patch. There was no need.”
Ram grunted in response. He wanted to spend more time getting her ready, but she rolled on top of him, and every good intention flew out his ears.
She guided him into her and thankfully she was already wet. Thoughts of torturing a banana evidently made her hot. Ram could feel her heat through the thin latex and he fought not to rush her. She was incredibly tight and he didn’t want to hurt her.
Sweat was popping out on his brow by the time she opened enough to take him halfway in. “How long has it been for you?” He asked.
“Fourteen months. Give or take a few weeks.”
God. He thought he was a candidate for sainthood after six months of celibacy. Fourteen months. No wonder she was so tight.
Once he was fully sheathed Ram grabbed Rhia’s hips, stilling her, forcing her to allow her body the time it needed to accept him. She fought him, but Ram held her still until he felt her sweet channel relax.
He let Rhia control their pace for a couple of strokes before he rolled on top and sank into her as he’d wanted to since he saw her bent over giving that sheep hell.
“Sorry sweetheart. You can be on top next time.” He said before capturing her lips, sinking into her mouth as deeply as he was below. His tongue echoing his thrusts.
When Rhia locked her legs around his waist and sank her teeth into his chest to muffle her cry of completion, Ram let himself go. Rhiannon came a second before he did, her inner walls pulling him deeper, milking him dry.
Shuddering, Ram dropped his head into her neck. He just needed a second to control his breathing. He kissed the salt from the side of her neck and rolled his heavy body from her so he could get rid of the condom.
He also needed a moment alone to control his thoughts. He hadn’t come that hard or felt a woman that deeply since his first time at sixteen. His bout with celibacy must have done more damage than he thought.
Ram looked at his reflection in the mirror. Get a grip. She’s just a woman, he told himself, knowing it was a lie.
He’d only been gone a few minutes, but Rhia was already asleep. Ram climbed in and pulled her to him. She threw one leg over his and nestled into his side. She fit perfectly under his chin.
Ram kissed the top of her head, calmed
by her heavy breathing, knowing he wouldn’t fall asleep tonight. He never did after making love no matter what time it was. He just couldn’t make himself relax, so he usually got up and wrote. He wrote some of his best songs that way.
It also made leaving easy. He was approaching thirty and he’d never truly relaxed in bed with a woman. Ram hadn’t given it much thought before. Now it just seemed sad and pointed to the gaping hole he’d allowed his personal life to become. The balance just wasn’t there and his music and his spirit were beginning to suffer for it.
But that was another mountain to climb. One he’d start in the morning. Now he was content to hold Rhia’s soft body and smell the wild flower scent of her hair.
Ram tucked the stray curl that was tickling his cheek under his chin. “What am I going to do with you Rí? I’m not sure I can let you go.” She snuggled deeper, her mouth opening slightly at his neck.
“I’m not sure I want to.”
A light snore was his only response.
He’d fallen asleep.
He never fell asleep with a woman in his bed, not once. Not ever. He’d stayed overnight plenty but he waited to sleep until he was alone. The last thing he remembered was Rhia’s hot breath on his neck and her soft body curled into his.
And now she was gone.
It was nine o’clock in the morning. He’d slept nearly seven hours. Soundly. In a strange bed. After one of the most intense sexual experiences of his life. Ram raked his hands through his tangled hair and growled into the phone. He’d been on the phone for the better part of an hour and he still hadn’t bothered to dress or put on a robe.
“Goddamn it Stark, don’t you think I tried that?” Ram shouted. He knew he was being irrational, he just couldn’t seem to stop himself. Ram took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“The concierge said he hailed a black and white for her about five this morning.” He said calmer now.
Ram listened to Ben Stark’s competent, rational voice and wanted to throw something. Nothing ever rattled Ben, it was one of the reasons Ram liked him so much. Stark also made a great sparring partner. But right now Ram wanted to tear apart anyone who didn’t know how or where to find Rhia. Ben was doing his best, but so far all that they had come up with was a big fat zero.
“No, I can’t trace the cab. The driver apparently left for a two week ‘holiday’ after he delivered Rhiannon. She was his last fare before he clocked out.” Ram listened to Ben’s questions and kicked the box of condoms across the room.
“No. I tried that first. His boss has no way to track him down.” The futility of trying to trace one American woman in South Wales was settling down on Ram, making him meaner than he’d been when he confirmed Rhia’s desertion with the concierge.
“No he didn’t log out. I’m guessing he took her to the pub, because that’s where she left her car. She would have gotten there in less than an hour. She could be anywhere by now.
Ram took a sip of cold ginseng tea. He was going to kill Rhia when he found her. Right after he kissed her senseless. Damn it. Why did she run from him?
“Yes, I’m sure that’s the right address. How many Rhiannon Thorson’s can there be in Milwaukee? Yea, I want to know everything. No I don’t know anything else besides the fact that she’d divorced.” Ram thought for a moment. “She’s smart. And the way she talks makes me think she’s some sort of business woman. She also wears pearls. Yea, definitely professional. Insurance. Law maybe.” Ram tried to rub the tension out of his neck, but the knot just wouldn’t ease.
He’d gotten a good look in the mirror this morning. He looked haunted, like when he was in his early twenties, coming down from powder. Ram didn’t miss the powder, or the way it numbed his soul, pushing what friends he did have away. Except for Ben. His flirtation with drugs didn’t last long, but it left a lasting impression.
Ram shook off the past. That was then. Life was better now, and yet, still so damn lonely. It wasn’t white powder giving him this haunted look and feel. It wasn’t powder that left him with teeth marks on his chest and an empty bed. It sure wasn’t powder that lulled him to sleep. No, it was one golden-haired American woman who was making his heart pound and his palms sweat.
Ram ran a hand through his already messed hair as he slid into the lounge chair. He’d been on the phone all morning trying to track Rhia down. He needed a shower and some strong coffee. Had this happened to him five years ago he would have trashed the room and wrote a check to cover the damage.
Ram liked to believe he’d grown up since then, and he had. Still, some demons don’t leave with age, they just got better at hiding.
Ram sighed. “Just find her, Ben. Whatever it takes.”
Ram hung up the phone, dropped the two hundred pound bottle of champagne into the trash and swore to himself when he found Rhia he was going to put her over his knee, turn her bottom pink, flip her over, kiss her breathless, then make love to her until neither of them could move.
When they came back up for air, Ram intended to make her so happy she’d never want to leave him again.
Rhia was a mess. She looked at her reflection in the rear view mirror of the miniature car she’d rented for the summer. What little mascara she had left formed dark circles under her eyes and no amount of hair goo was going to help her frizz-form curls.
It wasn’t the lack of a shower and caffeine that made her look a cold kitten left out in the rain, it was her own cowardice. When the reality of how she spent her night came crashing down on her, she panicked.
And she ran.
Grabbing a Kleenex from her purse, Rhia scrubbed at the rings of yesterday’s mascara. She needed a shower. She also needed to get out of her hooker boots. Unfortunately, she left her new clothes in Ram’s jaguar. God she was pathetic. She was relatively certain that this wasn’t how experienced adults dealt with this kind of thing. Unfortunately, she hadn’t read One Night Stands for Dummies. More’s the pity.
Rhia flipped the mirror back into place, knowing she’d stalled as long as she could. She was going to have to knock at the door of her rented house and beg admittance. At least she still had her driver’s license and her passport if it came down to proving she actually was the upstanding professor who rented the house. Correction, part of the house, for the summer.
The caretaker was surely going to take one look at Rhia’s slutty clothes and the wounded look no amount of scrubbing could erase and know she was now a one-night-stand-kind-of-woman.
This wasn’t the first impression Rhia wanted to make. But, it was the only one she had available and she needed a shower. More than that, she needed to sort out the enormity of what happened last night and decide what to do about it.
It wasn’t just the way she melted the moment her lips touched Ram’s, or the look of masculine appreciation in his eyes when he saw her naked. It was so much more that had her tied in knots.
Did she want to see him again? Would he want to see her after the way she left or was he relieved he didn’t have to be the one to leave?
Rhia didn’t know what to think. She liked Ram. He was funny, smart in a hard edged real life kind of way, irritating in his opinions, sweet when he held her, drop-dead gorgeous if you like your men young, lean and dangerous looking, which Rhia was surprised to find she did. She was more at ease with Ram than she’d ever been with another person, and yet, with a smile he could send her sky-rocketing out of her comfort zone.
She’d never felt as alive as she did with him inside her.
And she ran away from all that. A pang of regret shot through Rhia, piercing her heart. How could she feel so much in such a short time? And why did it have to be so contradictory?
“You’re an idiot. That’s how. And that’s why.” Rhia said looking at her reflection despairingly one more time before bolstering the courage to go to the door and ring the bell.
Ramsey parked at the gatehouse a
nd let himself in the back door. He hoped Flossie, his housekeeper, asked her husband David to make steak for lunch. Ram wasn’t that hungry, he just wanted to sink his teeth into red meat and tear it apart.
Floss met him at the back door. It was always like that. Flossie always knew when he was coming and going and what he needed without asking. She also knew when he was up to no good and would scold him unmercifully, sometimes before he’d actually done the evil deed. The woman was a witch, albeit a good one, and Ram loved her. He didn’t doubt Flossie loved him too. She treated him like one of her grandchildren and the good Lord knew the world revolved around her grandchildren. It was the eleventh commandment.
“The professor’s here.” Flossie said by way of greeting.
Ram picked the tiny woman off the floor and planted a kiss on her papery cheek. “Who? Oh yea. The renter.” Ram had almost forgotten he was sharing his house. He would have terminated the guy’s contract but Floss and David needed the income from the rent when he wasn’t here and they wouldn’t take his money. Finding new ways to line their pockets was one of Ram’s favorite pastimes. Trying to keep Flossie from sabotaging his efforts was like playing chess with a master. His mental acuity had increased three fold since he started sparring with Flossie. He lost most of the time, the little grandma was just too devious, but Ram got in a good shot every once in awhile.
“Keep our tenant away from me, will you Flossie? I’m in a foul mood and I don’t have the patience for a professor with a stick up his ass today.”
Flossie hit him. Ram knew she would. She didn’t countenance profanity in her house. It didn’t matter that he held the mortgage. Teasing Flossie always cheered him up and today he needed cheering.
“What language Ramsey Macleod.” She tsked at him before spewing a stream of Welsh. Praying for his immortal soul no doubt. She hit him again just so he wouldn’t forget who was boss.