Second Chances Read online

Page 4

  Ram changed into an artfully ripped leather t-shirt that showed off his chest and abdomen. Rhia was finding her eyes straying to that peek-a-boo skin more frequently as the evening wore on.

  Most of the people at the club were in their twenties, but there was a good cross-section of older people too, some of whom were in their sixties. One of those gentlemen had asked her to dance, but so did a young Ashton Kutcher look-a-like. She’d said yes to them both.

  Ram had a number of women begin to approach him, but a man sitting a few stools down the bar from him intercepted every one. Ram didn’t seem to mind, he just sat at the bar watching Rhia dance when he wasn’t dancing with her himself.

  He was a good dancer in the dirty-dancing style, free and smooth and touching her every chance he got. Since she’d taken every opportunity to touch him, she guessed that was only fair.

  She was just making her way to Ram when another man sitting down from him intercepted another twenty-something beauty. Rhia brushed the hair out of her eyes and fanned her wet skin with her other hand as she reclaimed her seat next to Ram.

  “Hey, those guys are cutting into your action.” Rhia said nodding toward the men a few seats down.

  “You’re the only action I’m interested in Rhia. They can have the playboy-bunny wannabees.”

  The heat she’d generated on the dance floor made her curls even tighter and she was sucking wind faster than she should have been. With her shirt plastered to her chest with sweat and her rapidly frizzing hair, she wasn’t a picture to inspire lust. Especially given the array of scantily clad, obviously interested women surrounding them, but Rhia had to admit she looked pretty damn good in her new boots.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  Ram looked at her directly. “Just saying what’s on my mind.”

  “I’ve never had a one night stand in my life. I’m not sure I’ll be any good at it.” Rhia said, her heart beating as fast as it had on the dance floor.

  Ram couldn’t decide whether he wanted to laugh or strangle her. He’d been sitting here watching her dance in those damn boots he’d insisted she wear, her tight little ass shaking in time to the music and her pearls caressing the cleavage clearly visible in that low cut tank and all he wanted to do was throw her over his shoulder like a caveman.

  She smelled better than she should and he was more attracted to Rhia-from-suburbia than he’d been to any of the super models he’d dated, and he’d even asked one of them to marry him.


  He was over his head here and he didn’t like the feeling at all. “Drink your cosmo, the night’s still young. I wasn’t talking about taking you to bed.” He lied. “I just meant that I’m having a great time being with you. I’m not interested in anyone else.” That at least was true.


  She sounded so disappointed he couldn’t take the pretense any longer. Ram nodded to Stark, his head of security, and grabbed Rhia’s arm as he made his way out of the club. He’d thank Stark for running interference later.

  “That’s it Rhia. We’re outta here. I never have been able to disappoint a lady. And I’m not going to start now.”



  Her hiccups had stopped, but Rhia kept up her silent mantra all the way to the hotel. She’d never had cosmopolitans before, and she never would again. She knew what she was doing, but she was still wasn’t quite sober. She wouldn’t be on her way to a hotel room with a man she’d known less than twenty-four hours if she were. Would she?

  Cosmopolitans were obviously for women who were more ‘cosmopolitan’ than she. From now on she’d stick with Pinot Grigio.

  Who was she kidding? Blaming her willingness to go wherever Ram led on vodka and cranberry juice was like blaming Godiva for the ten extra pounds she had around her hips. It just couldn’t be done with a straight face.

  Rhia knew she was a woman on a mission and she’d never failed at anything she’d set out to do. Not in the long term anyway. She just kept plugging away until eventually she got it right. That meant sooner or later she was going to have to get back on the stud. The way Ram was driving it was going to be sooner than she originally planned.

  At least she still had her toothbrush.

  Ram hadn’t said a word since he dragged her out of the club, pulling her faster than she could comfortably keep up in heels. His uncharacteristic silence and the intensity he put into navigating Cardiff’s twists and turns were doing nothing to calm her already heightened senses; although the cobwebs in her brain were clearing with every roundabout.

  Ram pulled to a quick stop in front of a nondescript building, threw the Jag into park and was out the door, tossing his keys to the valet before Rhia could get her seat belt unbuckled.

  He opened her car door and offered her his hand. When Rhia took it, she was immediately enveloped in warmth. His thumb and the pads of his fingers were callused, offering a pleasant friction again her smoother skin.

  He helped her out of the car with none of his earlier haste. It was as if now that he was where he wanted to be, they had all the time in the world. He kept her hand, pulling her close as they made their way to the front desk.

  Rhia’s breath stuck in her throat as they entered the hotel. It didn’t look very impressive from the outside, but inside it spoke of an old world opulence few hotels in the U.S. could capture. The Pfister in Milwaukee was like that. Not much to look at from the outside, but inside it was elegance incarnate. Rhia loved that old hotel.

  In this one, gold and gilt were sparingly but beautifully used. The marble floors gleamed. Looking up, Rhia was entranced by the domed ceiling; hand painted cherubs danced on puffy clouds in the turquoise blue sky. The scene was subtly erotic, lending to the feeling of otherworldliness that had been plaguing Rhia all day.

  She loved it.

  Ram escorted her to their suite on the fourth floor without a word. He squeezed her hand but didn’t intrude on her thoughts as she surveyed their room. He closed and locked the door but didn’t move further into the room. He wasn’t rushing her, but he was barring the only exit whether he realized it or not.

  Rhia looked around, soaking up the beauty around her while trying to acclimate to the fact that she was going to be naked very soon. She took a deep breath and focused on the room. She was determined to remember every detail of her first one night stand.

  The suite was lovely. Floor to ceiling windows led to a small patio overlooking the inside courtyard garden. A king-sized canopy bed sat on a dais opposite a very modern flat screen T.V. complete with satellite so guests could consult CNN, the BBC or the Tokyo stock exchange while sipping their tea.

  The room had been remodeled so every luxury was present including a wine chiller, microwave and cappuccino machine, while still retaining a nineteen twenties kind of opulence. A door to what Rhia assumed to be the bathroom graced the opposite end of the room. It was made of richly colored stained glass in the shape of a naked woman covered only by her hair and three small shells. The image brought her back to why she was here more strongly than Ram’s brooding silence, or the rhythmic beating of her own heart.

  When Rhia turned back toward Ram two things hit her at once. He hadn’t moved from the door, and he wasn’t smiling. He didn’t seem to notice the beauty around them, he was looking only at her. She’d felt his gaze heating her skin since he locked the door.

  “Now’s your chance to escape, Rhia. Before the champagne and late dinner I ordered arrives. I had them send up bottled water too, just in case you don’t like champagne.”

  He was giving her a chance to leave before things got out of hand. He was also telling her he wasn’t going to rush into bed. Somehow that thought scared her more than if he’d just jumped her bones.

  Was he going to move away from the door? No. Probably not. The next move was going to have to be hers. Oddly enough she’d never made the first move with a man, well not the very first time anyway. She’d initiat
ed things with William, but he was never all that happy about it when she did.

  No time like the present to jump into the water, she thought.

  Rhia dropped her purse next to the armoire and walked slowly toward Ram. Her heart wasn’t racing like it had been in the car, and her head was clear. All she felt now was a sense of purpose, a spark of feminine power and the desire to take that power for a test drive.

  Rhia stopped inches from him, close enough to touch. His pine and Ivory soap scent danced along her nerve endings, enveloping her in a cloud of safety and desire. There was something about Ram that told her he’d protect her from the rest of the world, but he’d offer no protection from his desire.

  And yet, he was giving her a choice. With this man she felt she’d always have a choice. Or would she? Lifting her gaze to his, Rhia detected neither invitation nor rejection, just a banked fire in his emerald eyes that could have meant anything.

  He wasn’t making this easy for her, but he wasn’t doing one damn thing to stop her either. Whatever happened between them would be up to her. A sense of power and a need to exercise it washed over Rhia. She wanted everything this man had to offer and there wasn’t one damn thing standing in her way.

  She stepped closer, brushing her lower body against him. She felt him stiffen. Her stomach below her tank had found a spot of bare skin through a cut in his leather t-shirt.

  The sensual promise in Ram’s eyes earlier on the dance floor was gone. He was being carefully neutral now, but Rhia had little doubt she could spark his interest again. That thought made her blood sing.

  Rhia ran one hand down the side of his face, luxuriating in the sandpaper feel of new beard against her palm. Her thumb rubbed his full lower lip, then explored the cleft in his chin.

  Even in her new boots he was still a good head taller than she was and Rhia had to bring his head down to kiss him. He didn’t resist, but she had to go on tip-toes to bridge the gap.

  “You’re not making this easy.” She bit his bottom lip gently in rebuke then licked it before gently pressing her mouth fully to his. She eased one leg up the side of his body luxuriating in his strength. She was beginning to like the role of vamp.

  Running her hands over his face and the nape of his neck, Rhia licked and nibbled. Ram’s mouth was wider than hers and his lips fuller. There was a lot of ground to cover and she wanted to be thorough. She wanted to plunder and steal, ravage and caress, but he wasn’t letting her in.

  “Come on Ramsey,” Rhia breathed against his lips, “let me in. I want more of you.”

  With a groan he acquiesced, letting her in to taste and explore. Her hands were massaging his nape, a spot that had always been an erogenous zone for him.

  She was trying to rub her body against him, but he held himself away. He’d been kissed by more beautiful and technically proficient women, but he’d never felt the impact of so much unbridled curiosity and honest desire. He wanted to savor the experience of a kiss freely given without thought of what his money would buy in the morning. He didn’t have to pay, no matter how subtly, for this kiss, and it was burning him alive.

  “Ram.” The way Rhia said his name with her lips against his, hit him in a place he didn’t care to name or explore. He’d been wanting something real for so long he’d almost reconciled himself to the fact that it wasn’t to be. Then from out of nowhere Rhiannon entered his world and she’d hit him with more reality than he could absorb.

  Reluctantly Ram pulled away from her sweet exploration. The repeated knocking at the door had been less than subtle. Ram held her away from him, enjoying the bemused look on her pixie face. She’d opened the door to her passion and evidently she didn’t have much practice shutting it again. That thought pleased Ram immensely. He didn’t want her to ever have to shut it again, not when he was at the doorway ready and willing to carry her over the threshold.

  “Whatever happens between us Rhiannon, never forget you kissed me first.” He smiled down into her dilated turquoise eyes. “I know I won’t.”


  Sliced peaches, chocolate covered bananas, strawberries, mussels with clams in cream sauce, smoked oysters, a mixed green salad garnished with pine nuts, avocado, basil and cold asparagus, were just some of the items room service delivered. Rhia knew at least half of the foods Ram ordered were considered aphrodisiacs.

  The man really left little to chance.

  A silver champagne bucket held crushed ice and champagne Rhia had never heard of, but judging by the ornate bottle, it wasn’t cheap. Ram had also ordered two large bottles of water, cooling in their own ice bucket, and a pot of ginseng tea.

  The man must have been famished.

  Or willing to work up an appetite.

  Either way, Rhia was thankful for the diversion. She was also hungry. She finished four or five strawberries and some banana before Ram was finished tipping the server. Just as soon as humanly possibly she was going to dig into the clams. She loved mussels and clams in cream, too bad the crusty bread that came with in was toasted with garlic. She wanted more kissing and garlic just wasn’t in the cards at this stage. Maybe in twenty years.

  Where did that come from? Twenty years? Just get through the next twenty minutes.

  Rhia shook her head. She had no business thinking about tomorrow, much less eating garlic twenty years from now with this man.

  Ram grabbed the bucket of champagne, popped a slice of peach in his mouth, and made his way to the bathroom. When he emerged he was wearing a bathrobe with the hotel monogram.

  “Why don’t you grab that plate of fruit and join me.” His voice was rough but not demanding.

  How did one get so calm? Practice no doubt. Rhia wondered why that thought disheartened her. She should be thankful for his expertise, that’s what she wanted. Wasn’t it?

  When he disappeared again Rhia let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. What had she gotten herself into? She wanted this and there had to be a first time, but she felt awkward and it wasn’t just the clothes or the garlic.

  She didn’t know how to be cool about this kind of thing so she was going to have to be honest. At least with herself. She was a coward. No getting around that. A coward with dimples in her bottom she didn’t want Ram to see. She was also a straight missionary style kind of woman. What if she bored him to tears?

  Oh hell. God, couldn’t you strike me down now. Before I make a complete ass of myself? I mean that literally and figuratively, Lord. Divine intervention would be appreciated. Now’s a good time for me.

  “I doubt He’s going to strike you down, Rí. But, if you want to go, call down and ask the concierge to flag a black and white for you.”

  Heat surged through her. “Oh God. I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “Yep.” Came his amused response, followed by a splash. “Ahhhh. Come on in Rhiannon. The water’s hot and I promise not to look at your lovely bottom.”

  “Do you mean that?”


  Well at least he was honest. Rhia grabbed one of the water bottles, a plate of chocolate covered fruit and approached the lion’s watering hole.


  Ram popped another strawberry in his mouth and shook the water from his hair. Rhia managed to find the only spot in the large bathroom where he couldn’t see her in the over sized mirrors to undress. Where was the tigress who was about to come in her jeans just kissing him. She’d made him painfully hard with that kiss and now she wanted to hide.


  She was fully covered by a towel when she approached the tub and she held on to it valiantly until she was fully submerged. Her eyes stayed on his face and didn’t venture below the water.

  He had no such qualms. “How do you suggest we do this if you don’t want me to see you naked?” He asked. Ram didn’t want to scare her away, but he’d be damned if he’d pork in the dark while she thought about England. It wouldn’t come to that. He was pretty good at talking women out of their clothes, but then agai
n since he’d made his first million he hadn’t had to do much talking. Patience hadn’t been something he’d had to exercise much of since he got out of military school. Thankfully it was a virtue so drummed into him by that time it didn’t take much to call it back up.

  Rhia hadn’t answered him. She was studying the fruit tray, carefully avoiding touching or looking at him.

  Ram sighed and stretched, slowly caressing her leg with his. She startled, but she didn’t pull away. “Rhiannon. You kissed me remember? Nothing horrible happened.” He rubbed her leg more purposefully this time. “Come over here and do it again.”

  Something sparked in those luminous sky-blue eyes, but she didn’t move any closer. “No one except my ex-husband has seen me naked for a long time. I guess I’m more self-conscious than I thought I’d be.” Rhia shrugged, but didn’t look away. She held his gaze even though Ram could see by her flush she was embarrassed.

  Her nervousness and her honesty about it was oddly appealing. Ram was willing to bet she had been faithful during her marriage and probably had few lovers before she married. Something about her screamed commitment, and for the first time in his life, that didn’t scare him.

  “Rhiannon.” He said tucking a golden curl behind her ear. “Relax.” He smiled into her eyes. “What I can see of you is beautiful. And there is no one on earth I would rather be with right now than you.”

  It was true. Rhia was lovely. Her body was smaller and yet more full than any of the models or movie stars he’d dated, but that intrigued him. It wasn’t just the thought of sinking into her lush body that had Ram wanting to be with her more than anyone else at the moment.

  She was funny and sweet and uncertain. He liked her acerbic sense of humor, the fact that she held conversations with animals and God out loud, and he especially liked the way she felt the music when she danced. From Mozart to Motley Crew, Ram felt the music too. Always had.